
Clare Babino, MD, FACOG, ABIHM
Functional Medicine Practitioner & Gynecologist located in Smyrna, GA
Your reproductive system is complex and individual, and for the best care, you need a Gynecologist who listens to you and offers you personalized attention. For care like this, work with Dr. Clare Babino at WellnessMD in Smyrna, Georgia. At WellnessMD, Dr. Babino offers a holistic approach to women’s care. She treats your whole body, focusing on wellness, not just your symptoms. To schedule an appointment, reach out online or over the phone today.
Gynecology Q & A
What gynecological services are available at WellnessMD?
Gynecological services provided by Dr. Babino at WellnessMD include evaluations and treatments of conditions, including:
- Breast health
- Menstrual abnormality
- Pap smears
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Pre-pregnancy counseling
- Recurring urinary tract and vaginal infections
- Sexually transmitted infections
Can I treat my reproductive health holistically?
Some conditions require conventional medicine, some can be complemented with holistic medicine, and some can be healed or treated with holistic medicine alone. Dr. Babino is an expert in attending to your gynecological health concerns and treatment approaches may include:
- Dietary changes
- Herbal supplements
- Stress management
- Urine or salivary hormone testing
If you’re interested in a more holistic approach to your gynecological care, seek out Dr. Babino at WellnessMD. To schedule an appointment at her office, reach out over the phone or via the online booking tool.